SICC - Italian Society for Chaos and Complexity


Udine, Italy. November 25-29, 2019.

Delays are ubiquitous in engineering and natural sciences, e.g., communication delays in control devices and complex networks or maturation and gestation delays in population dynamics. The inclusion of past history in the time evolution adds nontrivial complexities with respect to ordinary systems, balancing the advantage of dealing with more realistic models. Equations involving delays generate dynamical systems of infinite dimension, asking for advanced tools and methods in the background mathematical analysis, the numerical treatment, the development, design and optimization of control strategies. Eventually, the comprehension of fundamental issues like stability of equilibria and other invariants is crucial, especially for varying or uncertain parameters.
The school brings together strong and up-to-date contributions in the field of time delay systems, concerning analytical, numerical and application aspects, under the paradigm of control theory. It aims at discussing the most recent advances in these different contexts, focusing also on their interdisciplinary connections. Analysis, methods, control strategies and applications will be illustrated, starting from rapid introductions of the basics, reaching a state-of-the-art level by evolving the classic approaches into modern perspectives.

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