SICC - Italian Society for Chaos and Complexity

CNNA 2021

The 17th IEEE International Workshop on Cellular Nanoscale Networks and their Applications, University of Catania - September 29 - September 30, 2021.

Computer technology is rapidly changing in the last decades. Besides the general progression in multi-core and many-core designs there is a strong demand for emerging nano-scale technologies with low power dissipation, intelligent, bio-inspired machines, massively-parallel architectures with learning capabilities, and memristive systems. Moreover, sensing and analyzing the visual world requires special sensors and processors. Sensor-processor arrays can solve problems from early image processing up to decision making. CNNA 2021 will provide a forum for the presentation of latest results and exploration of future directions in the context of Cellular Nanoscale Networks and their Applications.

FaLang translation system by Faboba