SICC - Società Italiana Caos e Complessità


Nonlinear Dynamics in Behavioral Macroeconomic Model

19th SICC International Tutorial Workshop “Topics in nonlinear dynamics” 
September, 11th 2024, Università di Urbino Carlo Bo, Urbino, Italy
Non-linear phenomena characterize the temporal dynamics of macroeconomic variables and financial markets. Nonlinear dynamics emerge as the result of macroprudential policies, the aggregation of individual interactions, or as a combination of the two. Discrete-time dynamical systems constitute the natural mathematical framework to provide a stylized representation of these phenomena and provide a theoretical basis on which to test policy implications. The school aims to provide an overview of the techniques and methods for the analysis of discrete-time models. At the same time, the school aims to provide an overview of the main applications of such mathematical models in macroeconomics and finance.
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