CHAOS 2021
The 6th IFAC Conference on Analysis and Control of Chaotic Systems will be held in Catania, September 27 - September 29, 2021.
The conference will be hybrid, allowing virtual and on-site presentations.
The conference is the sixth IFAC meeting related to analysis and control of chaotic systems. The 2021 edition aims at collecting the most prominent and timely contributions in the interdisciplinary field of chaos and nonlinear dynamics control and synchronization, including the complex networks scenario. Several research areas lean on this field, taking advantage from new developments. Biology (brain dynamics, heart beating, human-machine interaction etc.), physics (optics, magnetics, fluidics and microfluidics, etc.), mechanics and electro-mechanics, engineering (nonlinear dynamics of electronic and power electronic circuits and systems, chaos encryption, robotics, etc.), economics (critical decision, data-series analysis etc.), chemical engineering, and so on. Both theory and applications will be discussed. The conference aims also at directly involving students and young researchers in order to introduce them to the field of chaos and nonlinear dynamics.